GRES Acadêmicos da Rocinha

The Grêmio Recreativo Escola de Samba Acadêmicos da Rocinha is a Samba School in Rio de Janeiro, located in the neighborhood of São Conrado in street Bertha Lutz.


A samba school Academic Rocinha comes from three carnival s of favela da Rocinha, theEmpire of the Topsail,Young BloodandUnited Rocinha. The Scholars of Rocinha's symbol, butterfly and the colors blue, green and white.

Paraded for the first time as Samba School in 1989 by Grupo 4 in Estrada Intendente Magalhães in Campinho, with the carnival Joãozinho Trinta. That year the school were crowned champions and ascended to the Joãozinho Trinta. Two more championships in a row by grupo 3. in 1990 and grupo 2 in 1991 led to the Grupo 1 where he remains until 1996, when he won the second place, which earned him the right to march for the first time in the Grupo Especial.

From 2002, the Academic Rocinha remained in Group A and in 2005, with the plot "Um mundo sem fronteiras", the school was devoted champion of the Grupo de acesso A The guaranteed and the right to march again in 2006 by the Grupo Especial. school group came after the show with 371.7 points.

In carnival 2008, debuted as carnival, the auxiliary Max Lopes in Mangueira, Fabio Ricardo. That year the Rocinha got the runner-up, behind the Império Serrano, the champion.

In 2009, school of São Conrado honored cartoonist J. Carloswith the plot has francesinha the hall .. The river in my heart, getting the 3rd place with 239 points, keeping the Grupo de acesso A 2010.

For Carnival 2010, Rocinha following the carnival Fábio Ricardo and search another pra access the panel with the plot Ykamiabascopyright, based on the book Ykamiabas - Daughters of the Moon, Women of the Earth. told the story of women warriors who came to the Amazon ten thousand years.

Persons who parade in school

External links